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And the booby prize goes to Sheffield (I love Sheffield and I'm saddened by this nonsense response).  This is literally the full response:

Discussions are being held at our Area Prescribing committee re plans for meeting the NHS England Libre policy and the associated prescribing processes.

Minutes once agreed can be found here

The minutes are published around two months in arrears!

This is my response:

I'm afraid this isn't an acceptable response.  Patients will be asking me and you what the plans are.  If I use the website suggested, it will be at least two months before any information is released.  The new NHS policy came into force yesterday and your CCG is now losing money every day that Libre isn't being prescribed.  Justifying this will not be easy. 

I am not trying to be difficult - it is just that I get many requests from all over the country.  I have contacted 135 CCGs in the past month and this is the weakest reply I have received from any CCG.  I love Sheffield (having lived there for a while) and think patients deserve a significantly better answer than you've provided.

Many thanks,


And their subsequent response (honest, but not great):

Dear Mr Cahm

Thank you for getting in touch. Firstly, I am sorry that you consider our response not acceptable. Unfortunately at this moment in time the CCG has not made a decision on how it will meet the NHS England Libre Policy, discussions are ongoing as reflected in our response. Once a decision has been made this information will be made available on our website. 

I understand that this does not provide you with the answers you need to inform yourself and others. If you would like to be notified when a decision has been made, let me know.                                           
If you have any additional questions you would like to ask under FOI then the CCG would be more than happy to answer where it can.


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