Yesterday evening I hosted the weekly webchat on Twitter taking over @GbdocTChost . The topic of discussion was "Libre - where we're at". It was a frantic and fascinating hour of discussion involving members of the #gbdoc. As host, I had little chance to voice my answers to the questions I raised, so thought it might be good to share some of my thoughts. Of course they are just opinions and discussing them helps me to modify my thinking and learn. I had seven questions prepared and miraculously managed to fit them into the time allocated (Tweetdeck scheduling of tweets was very handy!). Q1. What is your favourite piece of diabetes tech and how did you find out about it? I love Libre as you might have guessed, but MiaoMiao takes it to another level. I now understand those that are passionate about the Dexcom. Having those permanent active reminders, alarms and prompts changed everything about how I manage my condition and my motivation. Libre made a differen
T1 Diabetic ramblings, with a special interest in the Abbott Freestyle Libre Glucose Monitor...and perhaps some totally unrelated musical thoughts.