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Showing posts from February, 2019

Spring Update - DVLA, HbA1C & strip usage, and of course Libre stats

I was hoping that this update would include a discussion of the new national Libre policy, which I contributed to.  However, I should have known that the wheels of central NHS bureaucracy move glacially slowly and a month after the final draft was submitted for approval, the final version has still not been published.  I am hoping that the final version of the policy hasn't been appreciably watered-down as the version that was submitted was well thought-out and fair. DVLA Update At 22:30 on Valentines Day, without fanfare, the DVLA quietly released the new guidelines for those who use insulin and drive (fortunately, I had an alert for all DVLA document releases, so had an early notification of the release).  As mentioned previously in this blog, the law was changed over a year ago to allow for this change, but it's taken a long time for the new guidelines to be released.  This was in part because of a challenge from a pharma company who suggested this was unfair (it isn