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Showing posts from December, 2018

December Update - Rationwatch + strips/needles/lancets

So far, I've only been looking at Libre prescribing and the variance therein.  However, there is a lull in those proceedings at the moment, with announcements from the DVLA and NHS England keenly awaited around Christmas.  Until then, I will still be working on CCGs that are refusing to answer basic questions - Gloucester and the Warwickshire CCGs to name but two.   Rationwatch Yesterday, I attended Parliament as a guest of the JDRF to take part in the Medical Technology Group discussions.  Matt Hancock (Health Secretary) spoke at the event, which was attended by patients, patient groups, lobbyists and industry insiders.  The main purpose of the event was to launch  Ration Watch : I have filled in their response form and hope that it will be possible to influence some of their discussions.  If readers of this blog have anything to add, then there's a place to register via their homepage. Items which should not routinely be prescribe...