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Showing posts from 2020

Stop the Press!

In my time as Production Manager of a newspaper printing site, now stretching back more than fifteen years, I have indeed called, or more precisely phoned people to exclaim "STOP THE PRESS" !  However, I am now faced with a metaphorical stop the press situation.  Our site in Birmingham has been placed into consultation for closure alongside our Luton press site.  Around 150 jobs are at risk, including my own.  The question is regularly voiced: " Are you alright ?"  It's not a question I know how to answer two days after I was given the news.  I tend to say that I am, but I don't really know to what extent I am alright.  Is there are measure of alrightness?!   For me, this enforced situation isn't a total surprise although it was only one of a few scenarios which I believed may happen.  Additionally, I had been considering the future and making plans for a long time, but not actually doing something about it!  As I'm in my mid-40's ...

Abbott dX Virtual 2020

Having missed the preceding event in 2019 (in Lisbon) through my man meets horse moment, I was greatly looking forward to ‘attending’ this year’s event, albeit from my spare room rather than the rather more appealing Portuguese capital…but at least the quality of tea on offer was top-notch! Each year since 2015, Abbott have run an event for bloggers and influencers (and me!) bringing together representatives from all over Europe.   This year there were over forty representatives from fifteen European countries, including eight people from the UK.   The programme was split over Friday evening and Saturday morning with a variety of speakers and discussion sessions.   The sessions were run on the Remo platform ( ), an application I didn’t know of previously, but certainly something that has great potential.   I’ll go through its functionality at the end of my review. At this point I need to stress that I haven’t been asked to blog about this event a...

Speaking of Diabetes

Happy New Year!  Hope you had a great festive period. Language There have been so many discussions about language over the past years and rightly so.   I don’t tend to contribute to these discussions as I can see both sides of the argument and I don’t think the 280 character limit of Twitter enables a rational discussion on this topic to be undertaken.   I hope that this blog post may help to provoke some sensible discussion.   There are a few areas I think worth exploring. Audience I think this is key to any discussions about language and diabetes.   What is acceptable to say in one forum could very well be unacceptable in another.   What is acceptable for someone with scant knowledge of or contact with diabetes, may certainly not be acceptable to someone that is in regular contact with diabetes (or dare I say it with diabetics!).   The key is not to stifle discussion.   I think that the current situation where any perceived deviation...