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Showing posts from 2008

Pump funding - 2008

Not written in ages as I have had so many other things to do - kids, decorating, work etc. I still don't have a great deal of time, but felt industrious this evening whilst watching England fail at cricket, and wrote the following email to an American asking about the situation for UK diabetics: "Not sure whether you got an answer to the pump question about UK. I think I have a fairly balanced view of it (not common here): In the UK, we pay taxes which cover most of our medical needs (socialised medicine). Our companies often pay for private medical insurance, but these do not cover chronic conditions like diabetes. As there are limited funds, everyone generally gets the same treatment (in theory) and an organisation called NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) decided what is the best treatment for each condition based on cost and clinical outcome. They have decided (this is a summary) based on the clinical evidence that a) Type 2 diabetics are never elig...