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Showing posts from July, 2007

Building work so far

Here are the pictures of the first two weeks of building work. I tried to get the pictures side by side, but Blogger seems to insist on them one on top of each other. I am taking roughly a picture a day, so you can see the excellent progress Gordon and his team are making. Abby thinks Gordon is a total hero! She keeps looking for him and going and chatting about all sorts...she even had to show him her fairy pyjamas the other day! Anyway, here are the pictures: And finally one of the foundations after the lovely rain we received last week! I wanted an extension not a moat!

Extension - The Beginning

Here are the photos of what the place where the extension is to be built looked like this weekend. At 8am this morning, the three builders arrived along with a skip lorry and two skips. Builder asked whether I had sorted getting the gas meter moved. I haven't, so am now worried that it may hold the building work up! I thought I was paying someone else a large sum of money and didn't want to have to do anything myself...hopefully it won't continue in this vein.

Finally an Update!

So, I have finally got the motivation to update my blog. There's probably nobody reading it anymore, but just in goes. What has been happening? Well, I am still honeymooning in terms of my diabetes, so need less insulin than previously. It is proving a bit difficult to judge and I had a bad hypo last week. Basically, I was almost unconscious and Claire had gone out for the evening! Luckily I found some wine gums and came out of it eventually. Last weekend was Josh's thanksgiving. Our church doesn't really approve of christenings of babies whose parents are not both confirmed. As neither of us are, then a thanksgiving was the choice. It turned out to be a lovely service and the small group of people that we had meant that it was a great day. The sun even shone for most of it. This weekend is the Open Day at work. I have helped organise it, including getting a person to create a special newspaper for the day and be there to add pictures and make a live n...