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Showing posts from 2019

April Prescribing Data

April 2019 - Libre prescriptions dispensed in Primary Care in England Rank CCG Prescriptions T1s %T1 1 Eastern Cheshire CCG 382 885 43.2% 2 Southport and Formby CCG 199 560 35.5% 3 South Lincolnshire CCG 236 675 35.0% 4 Rushcliffe CCG 172 510 33.7% 5 Isle of Wight CCG 249 830 30.0% 6 Nottingham West CCG 128 435 29.4% 7 Wigan Borough CCG 415 1,460 28.4% 8 Nene CCG 833 2,965 28.1% 9 Trafford CCG 267 980 27.2% 10 Richmond CCG 173 675 25.6% 11 Corby CCG 82 320 25.6% 12 High Weald Lewes Havens CCG 179 740 24.2% 13 North West Surrey CCG 326 1,405 23.2% 14 Southampton CCG 275 1,190 23.1% 15 Guildford and Waverley CCG 204 900 22.7% 16 Nottingham North & East CCG 172 760 22.6% ...

Shut the stable door before....oops

One of my get well cards! On Tuesday 23rd April I was leading my wife's horse from the field. My daughter was behind with her horse (we're honestly not that posh.. We do all the work ourselves and do it cost effectively.). A third horse decided it didn't want to be left in the field, so pushed past and frightened the horse I was leading. It bolted and ran straight into me, fracturing my tibial plateau. (the part of the tibia bone just below the knee). The next day, I was operated on under GA to permanently pin/plate the knee area back together. See x-rays below for what they did. Continued below, but in case you don't want to keep reading, here is the current situation as of 1st June I'm still at least four weeks off being able to bend my leg, but am basically OK.  Claire has all-but had her diagnosis of early-onset rheumatoid arthritis.  Not great, but hopefully treatment will start soon. of 5th June, I'm now able to bend the leg and put f...

The CCG Project!

In order to find out the situation around the country for Libre prescribing now that the national policy has been published, I have made the decision to contact many of them to find out their plans.  I have arbitrarily chosen to contact all English CCGs that in December 2018 prescribed Libre via Primary Care to less than 5% of their population (and one specific request from a group member).  I had hoped this would be a small list, but there are 135 CCGs on the list.  I may have bitten off more than I can chew, but I'm committed to doing this and feeding back.  It worked before and hopefully this level of scrutiny will bring similar results. Below is a screenshot of the base document I am sending to each of the CCGs - it has some fields that are merge fields, so don't worry about the brackets and codes in the document (I found a typo, which has now been corrected too) .  The major piece of work with respect to this is finding the right person to contact....

NHS England Libre Policy

The NHS England policy for prescribing of Freestyle Libre has now been released.  There is a link to the document at the bottom of the page, but the key part of the policy can be viewed below.  Here is the  Link to Policy

Spring Update - DVLA, HbA1C & strip usage, and of course Libre stats

I was hoping that this update would include a discussion of the new national Libre policy, which I contributed to.  However, I should have known that the wheels of central NHS bureaucracy move glacially slowly and a month after the final draft was submitted for approval, the final version has still not been published.  I am hoping that the final version of the policy hasn't been appreciably watered-down as the version that was submitted was well thought-out and fair. DVLA Update At 22:30 on Valentines Day, without fanfare, the DVLA quietly released the new guidelines for those who use insulin and drive (fortunately, I had an alert for all DVLA document releases, so had an early notification of the release).  As mentioned previously in this blog, the law was changed over a year ago to allow for this change, but it's taken a long time for the new guidelines to be released.  This was in part because of a challenge from a pharma company who suggested this was unfair...