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Showing posts from March, 2018

Libre - March 2018 Update

Since November 2017 and the official listing of Libre on prescription, so much has changed, but has it changed for the better? I think broadly the answer to that question is No, but not for want of trying.  The situation has become increasingly confusing and disjointed. Getting it on Prescription Firstly, the prescribing of Libre.  Wales have said yes, most other areas have said perhaps.  This map shows the current status by CCG:  Diabetes UK Joint Policy Tracker .  There are improvements, but this demonstrates the postcode lottery. The data on prescribing rates are published but this data is woefully slow to become in the public domain.  The final UK country to publish data was Scotland, which finally released December data on 13th March! Here's the data so far: This shows an increase, but hardly an avalanche!  Wish I could see the January data...Northern Ireland should publish very soon though. There are CCGs like Manchester that have...

Blood Glucose Testing Regime?

Can anyone advise on where my logic falls down? It must do, but this has been playing on my mind for a while. The basic question is...why would someone on MDI need to test 5-8-10+ times a day? I can feel people's heckles being raised already, but keep reading. I'm T1 on MDI, Levemir (split dose) and Novorapid (peak action 1-3 hours, tail of action 3-5 hours). Clearly, testing regimes must be very different if you're on a pump. Have a look at the table below showing a typical 'Nick Day'. OK, I don't eat lunch, both because I like the nice flat line I get on my Libre (hence better A1C, I hope) and I've found I don't need it. If you look at the table, I've only managed to find five times where I think it could be worthwhile to check levels - in time, I think one of the morning ones could go too, so in reality four. At all other times, it seems pointless to me as either nothing should have changed (perhaps the 'should' is the key here) ...