Not written for a few days. A number of reasons for this: I thought that the readers would be really bored if I wrote a load of mindless drivel about the trivialities of my life, the pain in my calves and being rather busy at home and work. Spring seems as if it is well and truly here. I even cut our lawn on Saturday. It is a great garden, but even with a self-propelled lawnmower, it takes about an hour to cut. Also managed to dig the vegetable patch and do some general tidying. We even planted a blackberry bush. Not sure we will get fruit this year, but should get a good crop next year. Whilst digging, Abby suggested I had dug up a snake! Of course, it was an earthworm. I picked it up and showed it to her. She asked to hold it and managed not to squash it! It was great to be outside as Abby can run around getting rid of some of that pent-up energy that she seems to have in limitless supply. Saturday evening was spent at the wedding of an old school friend. It was a really excellent ev...