Took my levels this morning and they were at the magic 4.0mmol/l level (72 in US units)! Had a biscuit in celebration! Latest graph above. Seems less predictable than I thought, but at least I am now generally below 10 most of the time. I believe I am however in the 'Honeymoon Period'. This is the time when the body is still producing a little insulin and therefore your levels are easier to control. I don't think that it lasts long.
A thick blanket of snow has fallen during the night. I was meant to be going to London today, but I think I'll give it a miss. My daughter (2) saw the snow and got very excited. She had not been out in snow before. We had an excellent half hour out the front of the house making tracks and getting cold! In my nice warm office now drinking a big mug of tea and looking at the snow continuing to fall. Won't be late home tonight.
Glad you enjoyed the snow this morning. None of that in San Francisco, but we're off to Lake Tahoe tomorrow evening, so there should be some there (think it's about 8000 ft up).
Take care and keep smiling!
Ellen x