Not sure whether I have a true phobia of needles, but it does seem to be an irrational fear. Blood and other gory things don't fuss me, but even if needles are mentioned or come on the TV, I have to look away. It's really strange over the last 24 hours, my body has been playing tricks and I keep feeling fake needle pricks every time I start to dwell on my diagnosis and what may happen in the future. At least my condition will cure me of the phobia!
Not heard anything yet about my referral to the hospital, don't want it to happen too quickly, but I know the sooner I get my glucose under control, the better both for my short and long-term health. Had long chats to people about it and it has made me feel better. Have routine appointment with GP on Tuesday and will have list of questions for him....will a 10 minute appointment be long enough?
Not heard anything yet about my referral to the hospital, don't want it to happen too quickly, but I know the sooner I get my glucose under control, the better both for my short and long-term health. Had long chats to people about it and it has made me feel better. Have routine appointment with GP on Tuesday and will have list of questions for him....will a 10 minute appointment be long enough?