I have been signed off work for a bit due to the drowsiness brought on by the medication. In my last post, I said I was pain free. Unfortunately, it has gone downhill since then and the pain is back at the levels of a week ago. Had an excellent weekend with various friends, but am not in the mood for writing about it today. Will sign off and hopefully update with a more positive post late in the week.
In order to find out the situation around the country for Libre prescribing now that the national policy has been published, I have made the decision to contact many of them to find out their plans. I have arbitrarily chosen to contact all English CCGs that in December 2018 prescribed Libre via Primary Care to less than 5% of their population (and one specific request from a group member). I had hoped this would be a small list, but there are 135 CCGs on the list. I may have bitten off more than I can chew, but I'm committed to doing this and feeding back. It worked before and hopefully this level of scrutiny will bring similar results. Below is a screenshot of the base document I am sending to each of the CCGs - it has some fields that are merge fields, so don't worry about the brackets and codes in the document (I found a typo, which has now been corrected too) . The major piece of work with respect to this is finding the right person to contact. However, I have s