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Weekend & Pain

Not written for a few days. A number of reasons for this: I thought that the readers would be really bored if I wrote a load of mindless drivel about the trivialities of my life, the pain in my calves and being rather busy at home and work.

Spring seems as if it is well and truly here. I even cut our lawn on Saturday. It is a great garden, but even with a self-propelled lawnmower, it takes about an hour to cut. Also managed to dig the vegetable patch and do some general tidying. We even planted a blackberry bush. Not sure we will get fruit this year, but should get a good crop next year. Whilst digging, Abby suggested I had dug up a snake! Of course, it was an earthworm. I picked it up and showed it to her. She asked to hold it and managed not to squash it! It was great to be outside as Abby can run around getting rid of some of that pent-up energy that she seems to have in limitless supply.

Saturday evening was spent at the wedding of an old school friend. It was a really excellent event held at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We didn't know many people there, but it was friendly and the live band were superb. I even managed to guess my insulin dosage correctly. It was good to have an evening without the children. My mother (just post foot operation) came and looked after them. We didn't get back until after midnight. Abby decided that getting up at 05:30 was appropriate, so we were rather tired.

My calf pain has continued to be quite bad. After hearing from my diabetes nurse that she didn't believe it was diabetes related, I went to the doctor. He said it was just as a result of my recent cycling exploits and would go away. We then talked about diabetes for the rest of the appointment. It is a week since I last cycled so I would have thought the pain should be subsiding by now...maybe I'm just a wimp? Ibuprofen isn't helping either.

Having a busy week at work. Still doing lots of work towards the impending sale of our main customer. Keep getting requests from all quarters for bits of information. One of my other customers is playing around financially at the moment and I think is taking advantage. I have a difficult call to make; we get good money for the job, but I have to chase every time for the money and it is never there quite when he says. Will have to be more tough with him.

Looking forward to next week as I am off for the week. We are going to York on Monday and Tuesday. Abby is obsessed by trains, so we are going on a train to York, going to the National Railway Museum, staying overnight in York and coming back on Tuesday. I think she'll love it. There are plenty of other things to do in York, but I think that trains will hold the biggest attraction for her (and I suppose for me!). Hope the weather is alright.

Finally, the Cricket World Cup starts today. Many of you, I am sure, will not be interested in the slightest and I think that England have a slim chance of making any progress in the competition. However, at least it means that there is plenty of cricket on the television over the next month and I should at last get some value out of my Sky subscription...that'll keep Claire happy! I think Pakistan have a chance of winning, but probably Australia or South Africa are more likely.

As I mindless drivel here!!


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